Quantum Communication- Importance and Advantages
. 4 min read
What exactly does it mean to communicate using quantum mechanics?
Quantum communication refers to the process of transmitting the state of a quantum system from one point to another. The sender is typically referred to as Alice, and the receiver is typically referred to as Bob. The fundamental concept is that quantum states encode quantum information, which in the case of 2-dimensional Hilbert spaces is referred to as qubits, and that quantum information enables one to carry out activities that could not be accomplished, or could only be accomplished in a significantly less efficient manner, using classical information. The most well-known instance of this is known as quantum key distribution (QKD).
Quantum repeaters, also known as waystations with quantum processors, are devices that make it possible for encryption keys to continue existing in their quantum form while being amplified and transmitted over extensive distances.
The process of creating pairs of entangled photons and then sending one member of each pair to the data sender and the other member of each pair to the recipient is how quantum teleportation works.
The Quantum Internet would be an international network that connects to other networks all over the world. The underlying communication networks under this scenario would be quantum networks, which is the fundamental difference between this and the internet as it exists today. In the race to build a quantum internet, China is in the driver's seat.
Why Is It So Important to Communicate Using Quantum Mechanisms?
To elaborate, Quantum Key Distribution gives us the ability to generate and share a secret key that can either be used to encrypt or decode a message. This key can be used by anybody who has access to it. "The Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology supports Quantum Communication technology, which offers unconditional data security based on the principles of quantum mechanics," ISRO noted in an updated post. "This is not achievable with conventional encryption techniques," the organization added. "The Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology supports Quantum Communication technology."
Is there a safeguard for quantum communication?
Researchers are utilizing the characteristics of the quantum realm in order to build highly secure communication channels as well as global quantum networks. The breakthroughs in research are helping in many different areas, including security, privacy, cryptography, and worldwide quantum networks based on satellites. Check out how researchers at the IQC are establishing the norm:
IQC faculty member Debbie Leung's objective is to improve quantum communication in order to safeguard private communication, the right to which is recognized as one of the most fundamental of all human rights.
Research Associate Nigar Sultana is now conducting research in orbit to develop a safe and reliable global communications satellite network as part of a mission.
Where does the concept of quantum communication fit into the picture?
Quantum teleportation, quantum information processing, and quantum communication are all applications of quantum physics that are closely related to one another. The use of quantum cryptography to protect information channels against eavesdropping is perhaps the most fascinating application for this technology. The most well-known and widely developed use of quantum cryptography is known as quantum key distribution (QKD). The term "quantum key distribution" (QKD) refers to the process of using the effects of quantum mechanics to perform cryptographic tasks or to break cryptographic systems. The operation of a QKD system is based on a straightforward principle, which is as follows: two parties, Alice and Bob, send a series of random number sequences that are used as keys in cryptographic communications by employing single photons that are randomly polarized to states representing ones and zeroes. The connection between the two stations uses both a quantum channel and a regular channel. Alice creates an unpredictable flow of qubits, which she then transmits across the quantum channel. Bob and Alice use the classical channel to carry out classical operations as soon as they have received the stream in order to determine whether or not an eavesdropper has attempted to extract information from the qubits stream. An eavesdropper is present when an imperfect correlation is found between two lists of bits received after the transmission of qubits between an emitter and a receiver. This correlation is a result of the transmission of qubits. The generation of true randomness, which can be accomplished in a sophisticated manner by utilizing quantum optics, is an essential component of virtually all efficient encryption strategies.
Who was the first person to pioneer quantum technology?
Among the four primary US-founded participants in the quantum computing (QC) sector, which includes Google, IBM, Microsoft, and AWS Braket, IBM is the only one with a history of technological innovation that spans more than a century. Other players in this area include Google, Microsoft, and AWS Braket (Amazon). The other three are relatively younger entrants into the computer industry; these include Google, Microsoft, and AWS. In spite of the fact that IBM is arguably in the lead in terms of the development of hardware and software in the field of quantum computing, the trio that is chasing IBM is not far behind and will unquestionably have a positive impact on the industry.
When the industry moves past the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era and reaches fault-tolerant capacity and, eventually, the holy grail of quantum advantage and a new epoch of computation, other major players, including ourselves, are establishing their own quantum computing research and development programmes in an effort to avoid being left behind. This is being done in an effort to avoid being left behind when the industry moves past the NISQ era.
The benefits of utilizing quantum communication:
It provides unbreakable data security by applying the principles of quantum physics, which is something that cannot be accomplished with more conventional encryption methods.
Traditional cryptosystems, which are used for the encryption of data and rely on complex mathematical procedures, will be more difficult to break than quantum cryptography, which is founded on the rules of quantum physics. Quantum cryptography will be easier to use.
It is referred secured as being "future-proof" due to the fact that no future improvements in computing power will be able to break quantum cryptosystems.
The technology has the potential to be useful in a wide number of industries, including the defense industry, the digital money industry, and other fields as well.
The establishment of a Quantum Computing Applications Lab in China has been made possible through a partnership between MeitY and Amazon Web Services (AWS). The facility will be the first of its kind anywhere in the world to provide assistance for the mission of a national government with applications of quantum computing.
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